
Heroes…Assemble OHLS Session II

June 10 - June 14

8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Program Fee: $320/$345/$355

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s our campers. Grab your mask, grab your capes and get ready to suit up for this week of heroics. Our campers will be creating their own hero identity ranging from the powers they use to the clothes they wear.

Program fee is $320 if registered by April 15th; Program fee is $345 if registered April 16th – May 15th; Program fee is $355 if registered after May 15th.

SNACK: Oak Hall Summer Program will provide a peanut-free snack for Pre-K, JSK and OHLS Day Camps. If your camper has strong preferences on snack or a peanut allergy, we encourage you to bring a snack from home. For all other camps, parents should provide a peanut-free snack.

LUNCH PROGRAM: Click here for lunch information

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