
Minecraft – Adventures 4 Kids

June 2 - June 6

8:50 am - 11:50 am

Elective with OHLS Day Camp: $180/$190/$200
Elective without Day Camp: $280/$290/$300

New Camp

Are you ready to take your Minecraft skills to the next level? This program focuses on building adventures and teaches participants about interactive world building as well as game design. This fun and engaging Minecraft program will spark interests in STEM, foster creativity and help participants use Minecraft as an exciting learning tool. No prior experience with Minecraft necessary. All skill levels welcome. This offering can be taken multiple times, each session is unique.

Tech needed:

Primary Tech:
Windows 8, 10 or 11
or Mac OS
or Chromebook
or iPad with iOS10 or higher 

Minecraft EDU

Campers are required to bring their own technology.  Device should have Windows  8,10, or 11; Mac OS; iPad with iOS10 or higher; or a Chromebook.  Camper should also bring headphones with microphone.  Program fee is $180 with OHLS Day Camp, $280 without OHLS Day Camp, if registered by April 15th; Program fee is $190 with OHLS Day Camp, $290 without OHLS Day Camp, if registered April 16th – May 15th; Program fee is $200 with OHLS Day Camp, $300 without OHLS Day Camp, if registered after May 15th.

  • Elective camps are optional and may be taken in conjunction with the Lower School Day Camp
  • Campers not wanting to attend Lower School Day Camp may enroll in elective camps.
  • Morning care is available beginning at 7:30 am in the PJ Manson Center of the Lower School
  • Campers not enrolled in the Lower School Day Camp must be picked up between 11:50 am and 12 noon.

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