
Cooking Around the World

May 27 - May 30

8:30 am - 12:00 pm

Program Fee: $225/$235/$245

We are offering a special 4-day cooking camp beginning May 27 through May 30 from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00.

Does your child have a passion for cooking? Are they ready to experience new foods and expand their little palettes? Our students will be engaged while discovering how to prepare delicious international and American dishes safely and skillfully. Our mini chefs will enjoy exploring diverse recipes from Africa, Asia, Europe, and North and South America, while learning food prep tips and tricks they can use throughout their life. During our sessions, your child will play kids’ games from other countries, learn food terms from around the world, and receive simple recipes they can use at home. This course is tailored for younger students and focuses on microwave cooking. Recipes include Italian Lasagna, Ghanaian Fufu Dumplings, Japanese Rice Balls (Onigiri), Mexican Quesadilla and Salsa, American Mug Cake, Chinese Chaofan, and French Fondue.

Program fee is $225 if registered by April 15th; Program fee is $235 if registered April 16th – May 15th; Program fee is $245 if registered after May 15th.

  • Drop off is located in the multipurpose room of the Lower School.
  • Morning Care is available from 7:30am to 8:30am at no additional charge
  • Morning Care is only available for morning and full-day campers
  • If attending a morning session only, pick-up is at 12:00pm in the multipurpose room of the Lower School.
  • Campers may extend their day and purchase an afternoon camp starting at 12:45 pm.  Lunch supervision is provided.  Pick-up begins at 4:15 pm and is located in the multipurpose room at the Lower School
  • Aftercare is available for extended afternoon campers until 6:00pm at no additional charge

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