
Cross Fit Kids-Fit, Lit, and Grit!

June 23 - June 27

8:50 am - 11:50 am

Elective with OHLS Day Camp: $130/$135/$140
Elective without Day Camp: $260/$270/$280

New Camp

Back for another year by popular demand!  Learn how to stay active in a fun way with CrossFit Kids training! Participate in games and activities that will get the body moving and are certain to cause smiles and giggles. We will enhance our experience with other healthy lifestyle behaviors including making our own snacks, team building activities, building grit and resilience, and getting outside for some fresh air. We will also take a field trip to North Star Fitness to complete our activities in a real CrossFit gym.

This program is sponsored and led by coaches at North Star Fitness | CrossFit Riverstyx. Coaches have their CrossFit certification as well as CrossFit Kids and Nutrition certifications. Program led by OHS parent and alumnus.

Program fee is $130 with OHLS Day Camp, $260 without OHLS Day Camp if registered by April 15th; Program Fee is $135 with OHLS Day Camp, $270 without OHLS Day Camp if registered April 16th -May 15th. Program fee is $140 with OHLS Day Camp, $280 without OHLS Day Camp if registered after May 15th.

  • Elective camps are optional and may be taken in conjunction with the Lower School Day Camp
  • Campers not wanting to attend Lower School Day Camp may enroll in elective camps.
  • Morning care is available beginning at 7:30 am in the multipurpose room of the Lower School
  • Campers not enrolled in the Lower School Day Camp must be picked up between 11:50 am and 12 noon.
  • CrossFit Kids does not meet on Wednesday.

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