
Minecraft – Science of Amusement Parks

June 3 - June 7

8:50 am - 11:50 am

Elective with OHLS Day Camp: $165/$180/$190
Elective without Day Camp: $260/$280/$290

New Camp

We are pleased to announce our continued partnership with Fleming Tech Camps to bring us this new and exciting program. Are you ready to take your Minecraft skills to the next level? Heart-pounding fun, thrilling rides and attractions, the sights and sounds of amusement parks are one of a kind. In the Science of Amusement Parks, participants will work with instructors as part of a team to learn the basic science and engineering behind roller coasters and other amusement park attractions. We will use Minecraft to create virtual rides and attractions to experience the thrill of the turns, tunnels and drops! No prior experience with Minecraft is necessary and all skill levels are welcome. Participants should be comfortable using keyboards or touchscreen to read and follow instructions. 

At the end of this camp, campers will:

– Demonstrate understanding of physical forces in a virtual Minecraft world
– Explore how the real-world effects of physics on a roller coasters and other amusement rides
– Gain the ability to define and explain examples of kinetic and potential energy, friction and gravity
– Understand what it takes to design and build your own theme park rides and attractions using Minecraft

Campers are required to bring their own technology.  Device should have Windows  8,10, or 11; Mac OS; iPad with iOS10 or higher; or a Chromebook.  Camper should also bring headphones with microphone.  Program fee is $165 with OHLS Day Camp, $260 without OHLS Day Camp, if registered by April 15th; Program fee is $180 with OHLS Day Camp, $280 without OHLS Day Camp, if registered April 16th – May 15th; Program fee is $190 with OHLS Day Camp, $290 without OHLS Day Camp, if registered after May 15th.

  • Elective camps are optional and may be taken in conjunction with the Lower School Day Camp
  • Campers not wanting to attend Lower School Day Camp may enroll in elective camps.
  • Morning care is available beginning at 7:30 am in the PJ Manson Center of the Lower School
  • Campers not enrolled in the Lower School Day Camp must be picked up between 11:50 am and 12 noon.

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