
Swifties Unite!

June 23 - June 27

8:30 am - 12:00 pm

Program Fee: $325/$335/$345

New Camp

Taylor just announced a new album is dropping in April!  The Oak Hall Summer Program is excited to drop our new camp Swifties Unite!  Get ready to explore the magic of Taylor Swift’s music and go on unforgettable adventures beyond your wildest dreams!  Every day, we’ll immerse ourselves in a different Taylor Swift album, express our creativity through TS themed crafts, perform karaoke, create and trade Swiftie bracelets, produce amazing dance routines, and showcase our talents.  Join us this summer and “shake off” the school year.  Our camp has a blank space, baby, and we’ll write your name.

Program fee is $325 if registered by April 15th; Program fee is $335 if registered April 16th-May 15th; Program fee is $345  if registered by after May 15th.

  • Drop off is located in the multipurpose room of the Lower School.
  • Morning Care is available from 7:30am to 8:30am at no additional charge
  • Morning Care is only available for morning and full-day campers
  • If attending a morning session only, pick-up is at 12:00pm in the multipurpose room of the Lower School.
  • Campers may extend their day and purchase the “extended afternoon option”.  Pick-up begins at 4:00 pm and is located in the multipurpose room at the Lower School
  • Aftercare is available for extended afternoon campers until 6:00pm at no additional charge

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