
Video Production Camp

June 24 - June 28

8:30 am - 12:00 pm

Program Fee: $300/$325/$335

New Camp

Video production camp is for story tellers in the making! In this weeklong camp, campers will learn how to tell a story from start to finish in video format. This will include the pre-production (planning and writing), production (filming), and postproduction (editing) processes. This new camp is led by Laura Newman, a third year Media Production and English double major at the University of Florida. Laura has been making videos my whole life and loves sharing her passions with the community. A winner of numerous awards at the Tampa Bay Student Film Festival, she recently wrote and produced a short film that she will be competing in festivals with soon!  Sign up for an experience they’ll never forget! Let your creativity shine!  Program fee is $300 if registered by April 15th, program fee is $325 if registered April 16th – May 15th; Program fee is $335 if registered after May 15th.


  • Drop off is located in the multipurpose room of the Lower School.
  • Morning Care is available from 7:30am to 8:30am at no additional charge
  • Morning Care is only available for morning and full-day campers
  • If attending a morning session only, pick-up is at 12:00pm in the multipurpose room of the Lower School.
  • Campers may extend their day and purchase the “extended afternoon option”.  Pick-up begins at 4:00 pm and is located in the multipurpose room at the Lower School
  • Aftercare is available for extended afternoon campers until 6:00pm at no additional charge

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