We have listed a number of FAQs. If you have any other questions or if we can provide additional information, please contact us either by email (dtripp@oakhall.org) or by phone 352-332-3609 ext 401.
Click Here to Register and Pay for Camps Online
Sunscreen is strongly recommended for ALL Day camps and any camp that meets outdoors. Oak Hall Summer Program does provide sunscreen if your camper happens to forget!
All participants are encouraged to be covered by family medical insurance. Oak Hall School only provides insurance coverage to help defray out of pocket medical costs in excess of personal policy.
Click Here to Register & Pay for Camps Online
The Oak Hall Summer Program does not provide discounts as we believe our pricing is done in accordance with the cost associated with the camp and equitable comparable to other camp programs in the Gainesville area. We do however understand that families with multiple children may face hardship when considering quality summer camp programs and it is our goal to GET KIDS TO CAMP! If you have multiple children, please complete and submit by May 1st the Need Based Financial Assistance application found below. A sliding scale is used to determine awards and the formula considers not only income but also number of children.
Click here for Juneteenth information.
Campers should wear comfortable shorts and shirts, athletic shoes and socks. Don’t forget the sunscreen!
Oak Hall Summer Camp is “Nut Aware.” Oak Hall provides “peanut free snacks and lunches, but we cannot guarantee there will be no peanut products brought to camp by other campers. We stay vigilant throughout the summer to remind campers and their families we do not allow peanut products on campus.
Any camper with a PEANUT ALLERGY is strongly encouraged to provide their own lunch and snack. Our staff has been educated to assist campers with allergies, and Oak Hall Summer Program will take every reasonable precaution to insure we have a nut-aware environment.
Need Based Financial Assistance is available on a limited basis for any program in the Oak Hall Summer Program. Forms and all paperwork must be submitted by May 1, 2023. Established Summer 2022 was The Jeffrey A. Malloy Oak Hall School Summer Camp Scholarship. For more information on that scholarship and application procedure click Summer scholarship
TO APPLY for Need Based Financial Assistance: Please download and fill out PDF form below. Then attach a copy of your most recent tax return, copies of 2022 W-2 forms, and copies of most recent pay stubs. Incomplete applications or applications without required information will not be considered.
Oak Hall Summer Program Financial Assistance Form
Please send to:
Jeffrey Malloy
1700 SW 75th Street
Gainesville, FL 32607
TO DONATE: Oak Hall was able to assist 10 families and 17 kids to the camps their choice last summer! If 50 percent of our camp families would consider a contribution to this fund, we could increase the amount of campers we assist tremendously! If you would like to donate to the Camper Assistance Fund, please indicate the amount you are willing to donate on the registration form. All donations are tax deductible, and a letter acknowledging your gift will be sent upon receipt. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
The Oak Hall Summer Program is open to the Gainesville Community! Attendance at Oak Hall School is not necessary for participation in any summer program. The Oak Hall Summer Program does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, disability or national or ethnic origin.
The one-time Application Fee is always non-refundable. Deposits are fully refundable until April 15th. After April 15th, all deposits are non-refundable and non-transferrable. Program fees (less deposit) are fully refundable provided three weeks notice of cancellation or change is provided. Any changes (dependent of availability) made to an existing registration at any time will result in a $25 administrative fee. This includes switching weeks, switching programs or switching to a program with a lower fee. Payments lost due to withdrawal from a program cannot be forwarded to the next year’s program or to a sibling’s account. No refunds or credit will be given for days absent. If a camper must cancel camp due to an illness or injury at any time, a doctor’s note detailing the period of incapacity is required to receive a refund. The physician note must be received no later than 48 hours after the start of a camp program to be eligible for a medical refund. The Oak Hall Summer Program will fully refund any program that is canceled due to lack of enrollment. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE TO THIS POLICY.
If the Oak Hall Summer Program should cancel any session due to COVID-19, a full refund will be issued. If a session should be interrupted by camp issued precautionary quarantine, credits or refunds will be issued for time missed as a result of the quarantine. If a family is individually impacted by COVID-19 either through an exposure or positive case, they will be eligible for refund or credit during missed time with receipt of a doctor’s note detailing the period of quarantine. The physician note must be received no later than 48 hours after the start of the quarantine to be eligible for the medical refund/credit.
You can cancel a camp at anytime by notifying the summer camp office at dtripp@oakhall.org. Cancellations must be received in writing. No cancellations will be accepted by the phone. For questions regarding the refund of camps fees, please see our refund policy above.
Yes, morning care is available from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. If you child is attending a Full Day camp, or an Afternoon camp, aftercare is available until 6:00 p.m.
Please note that there is no charge for morning care or aftercare services. As a courtesy to the staff, it is necessary that you are on time to pick up from aftercare. For pick-ups past 6:00 PM, a late fee of $25.00 plus $1.00/minute will be charged.
Pre-K Half & Full Day Camps
Jump-Start Kindergarten Day Camp
Oak Hall Lower School Day Camp
Drama Camp
Middle School Summer Adventure Camps
Half-Day Specialty Camps
Please note that there is no charge for morning care or aftercare services.
As a courtesy to the staff, it is necessary that you are on time to pick up from aftercare.
For pick-ups past 6:00 PM, a late fee of $25.00 plus $1.00/minute will be charged.
SNACK: Oak Hall Summer Program will provide a peanut-free snack for Pre-K, JSK and OHLS Day Camps. If your camper has strong preferences on snack or a peanut allergy, we encourage you to bring a snack from home. For all other camps, parents should provide a peanut-free snack.
Check out our lunch information
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