
Football Sports Camp Featuring Gator Athletes

July 15 - July 19

8:30 am - 12:00 pm

Program Fee: $250/$270/$280

New Camp

The Oak Hall Summer Program is pleased to announce our new partnership with Florida Victorious to offer this exciting new football camp.  Members of the Oak Hall football staff will lay out a week of drills to improve young football players techniques and skills in many facets of the game.  Campers will get experiences in the many position groups on a football team including line play, skill position play (QB, RB, TE, and receiver), linebacker and secondary play, and special teams play.  So, if you love football and are looking forward to the fall, don’t miss your chance for this immersive week of football! (subject to change due to athlete availability). Program fee is $250 if registered before April 15th; Program fee is $270 if registered April 16th – May 15th; Program fee is $280 if registered after May 15th.

  • Drop off is located in the multipurpose room of the Lower School.
  • Morning Care is available from 7:30am to 8:30am at no additional charge
  • Morning Care is only available for morning and full-day campers
  • If attending a morning session only, pick-up is at 12:00pm in the multipurpose room of the Lower School.
  • Campers may extend their day and purchase the “extended afternoon option”.  Pick-up begins at 4:00 pm and is located in the multipurpose room at the Lower School
  • Aftercare is available for extended afternoon campers until 6:00pm at no additional charge

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