
In Our Vacation Era- OHLS Session III

June 16 - June 27

8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Program Fee: $765/$790/$815

The first 2-week session of the summer starts with our “Vacation Era.”

The first week we will focus on domestic travel locations for our campers! Join us as each day will have a different “theme,” focused on a specific travel destination within the United States!

The second week, our campers will broaden their travels and experience different international travel destinations! Each destination will have their own activities and games based on their location.

During this 2-week session, there will be an out-of-town field trip scheduled for the campers. Campers will go to the pool Thursday Afternoons.

Program fee is $765 by April 15th; Program fee is $790 if registered April 16th – May 15th; Program fee is $815 after May 15th.

SNACK: Oak Hall Summer Program will provide a peanut-free snack for Pre-K, JSK and OHLS Day Camps. If your camper has strong preferences on snack or a peanut allergy, we encourage you to bring a snack from home. For all other camps, parents should provide a peanut-free snack.

LUNCH PROGRAM: Click here for lunch information 

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