
Color Wars Is Going For The Gold Session VI

July 10 - July 14

8:30 am - 12:00 pm

Program Fee: $205/$220/$230

Earn your gold medal this week by participating in fun outdoor sports such as, races, golf, volleyball, soccer, basketball, and swimming on our weekly water day. At camp everyones a winner and campers will get the opportunity to show their amazing athletic skills. So come in your athletic wear and be ready to play!

Program fee is $205 if registered by April 15th; Program fee is $220 if registered April 16th – May 15th; Program fee is $230 if registered after May 15th.


SNACK: Oak Hall Summer Program will provide a peanut-free snack for Pre-K, JSK and OHLS Day Camps. If your camper has strong preferences on snack or a peanut allergy, we encourage you to bring a snack from home. For all other camps, parents should provide a peanut-free snack.

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